- driemaster
- трёхмачтовое судно
* * *сущ.общ. трёхмачтовое судно
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Driemaster — (Вестэнде,Бельгия) Категория отеля: Адрес: J Mathielaan 2, 8434 Вестэнде, Бельгия … Каталог отелей
Trains in the Netherlands — The following are current and former trains in the Netherlands.Locomotivesteam locomotives* Arend: (Dutch for Eagle) was the first train in the Netherlands and pulled the first train between Amsterdam and Haarlem in 1839.* Series 600: Formerly SS … Wikipedia
Youth Organisation Freedom and Democracy — The Jongeren Organisatie Vrijheid en Democratie (Youth Organisation Freedom and Democracy) is one of the oldest political youth organisations in The Netherlands. It is a liberal organisation for people aged between fourteen and thirty one.… … Wikipedia
Dreimaster — Ein Dreimaster wird nicht an Einem Tage gebaut. Holl.: Een driemaster wordt niet op éénen dag gebouwd. (Harrebomée, I, 154.) [Zusätze und Ergänzungen] *2. Wo ein Dreimaster segelt, kann auch ein Boot schwimmen. Wo die Grossen Platz finden, kommen … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon